
お久しぶり! (Long time no see!)

Well, I'm sorry for not blogging in a REALLY long time... however I've been quite busy at work... like, leave home at 8:15 come back at 10 or later some nights... However we are nearing the end of our project and will then go back to regular hours again :)

Anyways! Life is good! I've moved now to 八丁堀, Hatchoubori, which is quite close to Tokyo Station, in the middle of downtown Tokyo. However, it is quite quiet here and beside a river, 新川 (Shinkawa, New River) and so has a nice view too. I'm on the 6th floor, and living with my girlfriend now.

On bad news, my Work Visa application was rejected... which means I have two things that could happen... One is that I go back to Canada on October 28th as that is when my Working Holiday Visa runs out. The other option is that if I get married before then, I can get a Spousal Visa. I do not know which of those two outcomes will happen yet, I'm going to let time play that game for a little bit longer before deciding anything.

My computer is.... slowly dying it seems. Sometimes it doesn't start up at all, sometimes it does, sometimes it does but is really slow. It seems like its related to power somehow... maybe something short circuited slightly?... If it dies... thats terrible... as its a big hole in my wallet as I kinda need a computer...

Well, I must be off to work now, glad I could finally blog again. :)

1 comment:

John said...

Hey Jason, Good to hear your work is going well. Too bad about the work visa! Is it worth applying a 2nd time or not? I might be coming to Japan for a short visit to judge a competition in September. Will keep you posted on that. If I do come I will be in Tokyo so hopefully we can see each other!

Anyhow, I like the blog, I like the pictures. You are just entering the humid summer months. Enjoy! I was there in July the first time I went to Japan. It rained and it was hot.

Talk to you soon. Perhaps.

Uncle John